



Husni Koc, Selami Palaz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay “Optical, electronic, and elastic properties of some A5B6C7 ferroelectrics (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl): First principle calculation” Ferroelectrics, vol. 511, 22–34, 2017


Selami Palaz, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay “AVBVICVII ferroelectrics as novel materials for phononic crystals” Ferroelectrics, vol. 511, 12–21, 2017


Husni Koc, Selami Palaz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay “Optical, electronic, and elastic properties of some A5B6C7 ferroelectrics (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl): First principle calculation” Ferroelectrics, vol. 511, 22–34, 2017


Amir Ghobadi, Sina Abedini Dereshgi, Hodjat Hajian, Berkay Bozok, Bayram Butun and Ekmel Ozbay “Ultra-broadband, wide angle absorber utilizing metal insulator multilayers stack with a multithickness metal surface texture” Scientific Reports vol.7, no. 4755, 1-10, 2017


Hodjat Hajian, Ekmel Ozbay and Humeyra Caglayan “Beaming and enhanced transmission through a subwavelength aperture via epsilon-near-zero media” Scientific Reports vol. 7, no. 4741, 1-8, 2017


Hodjat Hajian, Amir Ghobadi, Sina Abedini Dereshgi, Bayram Butun and Ekmel Ozbay “Hybrid plasmon–phonon polariton bands in graphene–hexagonal boron nitride metamaterials [Invited]” Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 34, No. 7, 29-35, 2017


Mohamed ElKabbash, Alireza R. Rashed, Betul Kucukoz, Quang Nguyen, Ahmet Karatay, Gul Yaglioglu, Ekmel Ozbay, Humeyra Caglayan and Giuseppe Strangi “Ultrafast transient optical loss dynamics in exciton–plasmon nano-assemblies” Nanoscale, 9, 6558–6566, 2017


Kutlu, E, Narin, P, Atmaca, G, Sarikavak-Lisesivdin, B, Lisesivdin, SB, Ozbay, E “Electronic structure of beta-Si3N4 crystals with substitutional icosagen group impurities” Journal Of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials vol. 19, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 278-282, 2017


Selman Ağızaçmak, Remziye Tülek, Sibel Gökden, Ali Teke, Engin Arslan, Ayşe Melis Aygar, Ekmel Özbay “Transport properties of epitaxial graphene grown on SiC substrate” Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications vol. 11, no. 3-4, p. 197 – 201, 2017


E. Gungor, T. Gungor, D. Caliskan and E. Ozbay “Synthesis and Optical Properties of Co and Zn-Based Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Thin Films” Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.131, no.3, 500-503, 2017


O. Oltulu, A. M. Mamedov, and E. Ozbay, “Band gap structure of elliptic rods in water for a 2D phononic crystal,” Appl. Phys. A Mater. Sci. Process., vol. 123, no. 3, pp. 1–6, 2017.


E. Arslan, M. K. Öztürk, E. Tıraş, T. Tıraş, S. Özçelik, and E. Özbay, “Buffer effects on the mosaic structure of the HR-GaN grown on 6H-SiC substrate by MOCVD,” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 3200–3209, 2017.


İ. Kars Durukan, M. K. Ozturk, S. Ozcelik, and E. Ozbay, “Analysis of the Mosaic Defects in Graded and Non Graded InxGa1‐xN Solar Solar Cell Structures,” Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilim. Enstitüsü Derg., vol. 21, no. 1, p. 235, 2017.


H. Hajian, H. Caglayan, and E. Ozbay, “Long-range Tamm surface plasmons supported by graphene-dielectric metamaterials,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 121, no. 3, 2017.


E. Arslan, Ş. Ardalı, E. Tıraş, S. Çakmakyapan, and E. Özbay, “The transport properties of Dirac fermions in chemical vapour-deposited single-layer graphene,” Philos. Mag., vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 187–200, 2017.


O. Oltulu, A. M. Mamedov, and E. Ozbay, “Wave propagation and acoustic band gaps of two-dimensional liquid crystal/solid phononic crystals,” Appl. Phys. A Mater. Sci. Process., vol. 123, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2017.


S. Simsek, S. Palaz, A. M. Mamedov, and E. Ozbay, “Spectral scalability and optical spectra of fractal multilayer structures: FDTD analysis,” Appl. Phys. A Mater. Sci. Process., vol. 123, no. 1, pp. 4–8, 2017.